House Feng Shui Consultation


Are there any rooms or parts in your house that you avoid? Are you frustrated by those regions and don't know how to make them more appealing? Or perhaps you have a goal that doesn't seem to be progressing. Allow & Such Lifestyle to come into your home and tweak every level and room for a complete overhaul. We will shop within your home and make suggestions for furniture placement, re-organization, artwork adjustments, wall color ideas, and more, bringing balance into your space that you will immediately feel in your soul.

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Every Feng Shui service begins with a consultation. We will discuss the areas of your life within which you have concerns during this conversation. Afterward, you will send photos and a simple sketch of your home's floor plan. Next, we schedule a date for the consultation. Consultations can be accomplished online or in person. After our transformational appointment, a final analysis report will be emailed to you with all suggested changes. This report will also include a mood board with links to products that we've discussed which would enhance the energetic alignment in your home.

You will be thrilled with the immediate feeling of positive energy flow and comfort throughout your home!