Ghost of xmas future

When I first started working on Broadway, I dressed the Ghost of Christmas Future for the Radio City Christmas Show, a very long time ago. Heather was her name. She was so lovely and down to earth. We would always have a friendly chat while I helped her put on the costume and the flying harness. Every show, I was amazed by her calm demeanor before going onstage and flying so high above the stage and audience. I know a great deal of her ease came from her trust in those in control of the flying apparatus, but I also knew there was more to it than that. So, one day I asked her, "how are you so calm before you go out there? You never seem to be anxious." She looked at me and said, "Well, Dawn, did you ever think it was you? Your calm, collected, warm energy does it for me every show." Needless to say, I was taken aback. It had never occurred to me that my energy was the key. From this point forward, I recognized the power and ripple effect of personal energy and how it curates your life experiences and results in professional success and personal happiness.

Fast forward to midlife. I don't know about you, but navigating midlife has meant navigating significant life transitions. Those big transitions can include becoming single after many years of marriage, having an empty nest after the kids have gone away to school, or you're a caregiver whose loved one has passed on. Over the years, I have been able to weather and thrive in transitions. I dug into my toolbox and reached for my energy flow alignment tips, modalities, and tools.

Now, I've decided to share my energetic alignment method and create coaching and immersive programs that will help you find your new self and level up to the lifestyle you've always wanted and deserve. If you're tired of scrolling YouTube for answers about how to move forward, let me help you.

Book a free consultation below and let’s chat to see which program is for you.


I bet you’re an empty nester and you don’t even know it


Mindfulness; what it isn’t…