declutter your way to your best life

A Helping hand for expats

So, you’ve finally decided to pack it up and move abroad. Congratulations! While packing your bags and planning your adventure is exciting, the process of letting go of your belongings can feel overwhelming.

This is where I come in. I'm here to help you declutter your way to your delicious new life.

My Journey to the Decluttering Guru Life

For many years, I toured the U.S. and abroad as part of a few touring Broadway Wardrobe Department. This meant constantly packing and unpacking trucks full of costumes and equipment. Let's just say I became an expert at letting go!

I've also helped numerous Gen Xers navigate the emotional and logistical challenges of downsizing their parents' belongings for assisted living. This experience has given me a deep understanding of the complexities of letting go, especially when it comes to sentimental items.

Why I Help Expats Declutter

During my Feng Shui consultations, I've noticed a recurring theme – clients love the personalized decluttering plan I create, but they often struggle to implement it on their own. They feel overwhelmed and stuck, despite their desire for a clutter-free and organized space.

That's why I've launched my new Declutter with Dawn, a decluttering service to help you, on your expat journey. I understand the unique challenges you face as you prepare for your move abroad, and I'm here to offer a helping hand

Here's how I can help you:

  • Develop a personalized decluttering plan: We'll work together to create a plan that considers your specific needs and timeline.

  • Sort and categorize your belongings: I'll help you decide what to keep, donate, sell, or discard.

  • Pack efficiently: I'll show you how to pack your belongings for safe and efficient transportation.

  • Navigate the emotional challenges of letting go: I'll provide support and guidance as you navigate the emotional rollercoaster of decluttering.

The Rise of Black Expats

The number of African Americans choosing to move abroad has been steadily increasing in recent years. According to, "Black Americans are leaving the U.S. in search of better opportunities, a more affordable cost of living, and a chance to escape racial tensions." Another article,, highlights that "Black Americans are increasingly choosing to live abroad as they seek a better quality of life, escape racism and discrimination, and explore their ancestral roots."

I recently had a wonderful opportunity to discuss the benefits of the decluttering process and give tips and tools to help ease the expat journey. Click below to check out my interview with AFTA Appraisals & Dr. Donna Ray:

Declutter and Embrace Your New Adventure

Moving abroad is an exciting adventure, but it shouldn't be a stressful one. Let me help you declutter your physical and emotional space so you can focus on what truly matters – embracing your new life!

Enjoy your Move Abroad Declutter Checklist. It’s a clear, concise and concrete plan to assist your next steps to your delicious new life.

Need an extra helping hand?

If you are simply too overwhelmed to even get started, I am happy to help you. Just click the button below and let's work together to turn your dream of living abroad into a reality!

Until Next time,

Enjoy the Love


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